Top ranker in each class from selected
cities* will be awarded with a
Britannica Concise Encyclopedia - 2013
edition CD
worth Rs.995.
Top ranker in a city offered a discount coupon of 50% on – India’s FIRST scientifically designed portal for Olympiad&
Talent exams preparation.
List of Selected Cities:
Bangalore, Bareilly, Bhubaneswar + Cuttack,
Chandigarh + Mohali + Panchkula, Chennai,
+ Gurgaon, Hyderabad, Indore,
Jalandhar, Jaipur, Kolkata, Kanpur, Kota,
Mumbai, Nagpur, Nasik, Noida +
Ghaziabad, Pune, Varanasi,Yamuna nagar
+ Karnal
+ Ambala + Kurukshetra, Vadodara and
Note: City wise topper is declared after
the 100 ranks across the country and
state toppers.
City Rank (for every Class) will be
declared for the classes having a minimum
of 500
students in a particular city.
NSTSE Topper:
A student of any class who
achieves 100% marks will be awarded with
a prize money of Rs. 2 Lakh. If none
of the students achieves the same, then
the student who achieves the highest
percentage of marks among all the classes
will be awarded with Rs. 1 Lakh. If there
is more than one student who achieves
the same, the prize money will be distributed
equally. Each topper will get either
this prize or the regular prize (refer